Monday, January 21, 2008

Making your website a client magnet

Wouldn't it be nice to attract a swarm of interested prospective clients...who are beating down your door in their eagerness to talk to you?

When it comes to internet marketing, it's easy to get caught up in 'hits', 'unique visitors', 'bounce rates' and other esoteric forms of measurement. Personally, all I care about is how many sales enquiries I am getting from my site. How about you?

Here are some ways to attract that swarm...
* Figure out where the itch is, amongst your clients.
* Write about the itch - as well as the ways to scratch it.
* Write articles, for your site. Then place these articles on other sites (with links back to you).
* Produce a monthly e-newsletter. (The effort is worth it!)
* When you write, pack in keywords and phrases.
* Upload new content regularly, for the hungry search engine spiders.
* Have a Links page. Link to relevant websites. Ask them to link back to you.
* Blog as often as you can. Amongst other things, this will help your search engine rankings. It will also generate content which you can use within articles etc.
* Encourage feedback on your site. Feedback is a gift, which can help you to improve your results.

I wish you all the best with your marketing and client attraction!

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